"The ACE system uses a patented diamond electrode that creates active oxygen. Because cleaners are automatically generated from salt and water, spas with the ACE system lack the odor of chlorine and require fewer harsh chemicals that can irritate skin and eyes."

The ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System is an exclusive sanitizing system from Hot Spring Spas. The ACE system makes spa ownership even easier. How does it do all of this for you?

  • Low Maintenance - Once your ACE system is installed and start up chemicals are added, there is little maintenace to be had in a Hot Spring Spa. Weekly shock treatments and Chlorine additions are now a thing of the past!  
  • Less Water Typically, you need to drain & refill your spa every 3-4 months. This is because after a certain point, your spa water can no longer dilute chemicals, causing cloudy and sometimes foamy water. Because the ACE system uses so few chemicals, you can get away with changing your water less - even just once a year. (I think that is also a BONUS to the "low maintenance" category as well.)
  • Low Chlorine - Having a low chlorine level in your water whether you have a pool or spa is always the ultimate objective. Chlorine when used improperly or too much can cause damage to your equipment and can also be irritating to your body/skin. The ACE Saltwater system allows you to sanitize your water effectively without the use of high chlorine giving your spa (and swimsuits) a longer life.

ACE Saltwater system can be added to your new Hot Spring Spa package, or we can install on any existing Hot Spring Highlife NXT, Highlife or Limelight Spa!



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